Partners & Support
Wild Observations was made possible by partnerships with Everglades National Park and Archbold Biological Station. Additional support provided by Fine Arts & Cultural Affairs Miami-Dade Aviation Department, South Florida Collections Management Center, Miami - Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Art + Science in the Field Center, Audubon Florida, Love the Everglades Movement, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, South Florida Water Management, The Deering Estate, Skip Snow, Bill Maxwell and LightHawk.
“Deborah's work always inspires us to connect with nature and motivates us to get out in it. Her passion for our natural wonders comes through in every one of her creations.”
- Pedro Ramos, Superintendent, Everglades National Park
The salvation of the American Everglades is dependent of the awareness of Americans and citizens of the world to the global importance of the Glades and their willingness to support its restoration. Exposure through art has been and continues to be an important means of providing this awareness. Through her artistry Deborah Mitchell has devoted her talent and love of the Everglades to its restoration and has contributed to the goal being within a decade of realization. On behalf of this and future generations of world citizens, thank you Deborah for your contribution to our capacity to experience and be sustained by the unique qualities of a rejuvenated Everglades.
- Senator Bob Graham
At The Studios, we try to find artists who not only make great work, but who speak to the time and place where we’re living. Our changing climate never fails to top the list here, and Deborah Mitchell tackles the problem like an eighteenth century polymath. She takes turns as an artist, a scientist and a collector, in no particular order, as if they’re distinctions without a difference. The common thread is observation, and in its quiet way her work is a call for the rest of us to take notice, and take action.
- Jed Dodds, Executive Director, The Studios of Key West
“At Archbold, we are reaching new and wider audiences by partnering with artists as science and conservation ambassadors. Deborah Mitchell is one such ambassador. Her careful attention to detail and her ability to meld complex scientific understanding with interpretation of nature is inspiring. Deborah infuses her artistic work with science, communicating the importance of sustaining our natural world. “
- Hilary Swain, Executive Director, Senior Research Program Director, Research Biologist, Archbold Biological Station
“One hundred years after the passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that protected birds from the brink of extinction, climate change is the biggest threat to birds worldwide. Deborah Mitchell’s Wild Observations will shine a light on the impacts human interactions pose on climate, and its effects on the flyways and wild corridors that birds and other species depend to survive.”
- Celeste De Palma, Director of Everglades Policy (2020), Audubon Florida
“In the heart of the Greater Everglades, amidst the shimmering waters of the River of Grass, the lifeways of indigenous communities like the Miccosukee & Seminole peoples and their relationships to the Natural World are reflected in their traditional and contemporary arts and crafts, as well as their conservation initiatives. Deborah’s artwork portrays a world that honors and integrates multiple epistemologies, daring us to transform our own relationships with ecologies, a reciprocal dance of hope, solidarity, and the stunning simplicity of vast & resilient landscapes.”
- Reverend Houston R. Cypress, Miccosukee Tribal Member
Much of the land and water I explore are the traditional territory of the Tequesta, Calusa, Miccosukee and Seminole Tribes. I offer my gratitude and respect to these enduring people and honor their rich cultural traditions.
Art work is protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act and Fair Use, a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression.